The One-Day Annual PCOS/BMOS seminar will be on Sunday, April 19, 2020 featuring Drs. Onofrey, Cymbor, and Kabat. There will be 2 Glaucoma/pharmaceuticals credits, 2 oral pharmaceuticals (opioids), 2 OCT update, 1 dry eye, and 1 ocularplastics co-management.
This will be a live webinar.
As you all probably realize, due to COVID-19, our One-Day Seminar will not be able to go on live. We have arranged with ARBO to present this via the internet. The PA State Board of Optometry has been informed of this change. It will still be presented on April 19th starting at 8 a.m. The lectures will be the same.
You will be advised of the protocol when everything is finalized. PCOS/BMOS will assume everyone who registered will still be “attending.” We are extending registration until April 4th.
$175 for POA members
$200 for non-members