Philadelphia County Optometric Society invites you to its first virtual general meeting and a lecture worth 2 COPE-approved credits on Thursday, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. This will be a live, interactive lecture. There will be NO CHARGE for credits.
This meeting is open to POA/AOA members only.
COPE ID: 66081-GO
Course Title: Practice Based Myopia Control
By Joseph Ruskiewicz, OD
Hours: 2
Use of soft lenses to control myopia progression
Causes of myopia development and progression
Use of medications and topical ocular drops to control myopic progression
The use of various rigid gas permeable to control myopia progression
Please register with Dr. Karen Wrigley at [email protected]. Provide your full name and OE tracker number to register.
A survey will follow the meeting and must be completed.
During this meeting, nominations for the PCOS Board will be held.